Nadav Kander and the NCAA Launch New PSA Focused on Inclusion.

NCAA Launches Latest Brand PSA Focused on Inclusion
Creative from SS+K debuts on Selection Sunday
- AdWeek, 3/11/18

On the eve of the annual March Madness college basketball tournament, the NCAA and its agency SS+K have launched their latest brand PSA campaign.

Titled "Label Me", the spots showcase how college sports brings student-athletes together from different backgrounds and that through their experiences, college athletes learn to work together to build the skills for future success.

The PSAs also focus on the theme of college sports as a pathway to opportunity while reinforcing the NCAA’s commitment to academics, well-being and fairness.

Creatively the PSAs challenge the viewer to stereotype the student-athletes in front of them. But before the spot ends, the script flips to remind the audience that the only definition of ourselves that matters is our own. Directed by portraitist Nadav Kander of Chelsea Pictures, the creative is inviting and provocative—using color and light to create powerful portraits.

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