Nadav Kander Showcases 'The Story of Me' for Pier 1 with Droga5.

New York, NY - August 1st, 2018. Nadav Kander's stunning new 'The Story of Me' for Pier 1 kicks off an exciting rebranding for the home furnishings brand, spearheaded by Droga5.

The commercial puts the customer front and center as the individual who makes home a special place. It’s not four walls and an address that makes a home--but the people in it whose stuff tells a unique story.

The campaign puts Pier 1 in a new light overall--a store that doesn’t tell consumers the one way to decorate their home but one that gives them everything they need to make a home that truly reflects who they are. It’s about embracing what their customers know and love because for them “decorating never ends” and they are always are looking to define their “little slice of earth.”

To check out Nadav's Director's Cut, along with more of his work, head over to